Kamis, 28 Februari 2019

Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 kostenlos filme anschauen -1080p-MPG

Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 Online Anschauen

Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015


165 winzig




FLA 720p


Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy




Boby, Maven W. Barbera, Zente C. Romains

Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens ganzer film deutsch, Star Wars: The Force Awakens online stream - Ganzer film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens ganzer film online stream - Deutsch

So where were you when the Science Fiction cinema sensation ‘Star Wars’ took shape and captured the imagination of the massive global moviegoers’ escapist expectations back in 1977? Regardless of whether you existed thirty-eight years ago or not, the legend of George Lucas’ highly-heralded SF blockbuster that shattered box office records worldwide was automatically engrained in your cinematic psyche. Now nearly four decades later, the motion picture phenomenon that took place in ‘a galaxy a long time ago…far, far away’ has come to expand its entertaining promise and prominence even after numerous servings of movie sequels, television specials and other fanfare attributes that promoted the ‘Star Wars’ agenda throughout the countless years.

The modern-day arrival of yet another ‘Star Wars’ edition in the millennium movie-making age of technical and tactical brilliance is quite fitting and filmmaker J.J. Abrams is the right choice to helm this sacred film franchise and present a whole new litany of continuing adventurous narratives for a new generation of ‘Star Wars’ personalities dipping their tenacious toes into ‘the force of goodness’ battling ‘the dark side’ of authoritative evil.

In Abrams’s reboot ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’, the anticipation of enhancing and enlightening the reputation and respect of the Lucas landscape of stormtroopers, light sabres and of course the iconic ‘Star Wars’ returnees from the treasured trio of Harrison Ford (Han Solo)/Carrie Fisher (Leia) and Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) registers with a nostalgic blast of appreciation and exhilaration. ‘The Force Awakens’ is a sheer big screen celebration of majestic impishness and intrigue that will fortify the hunger of both casual and rabid ‘Star Wars’ fanatics. Indeed, the hype is warranted and Abrams, the mastermind of the big-budget movie sequelitis, is in top form as he triumphantly presents ‘The Force Awakens’ on a prized silver platter designed for its surging golden moments of charged ebullience.

In looking at the numbers game that is connected to the overall ‘Star Wars’ universe, it is hard to believe that the last prequel was released just a decade ago. Furthermore, it is mind-boggling that the aforementioned ‘Star Wars’ ‘royalty’ in Ford, Fisher and Hamill have shared the same space on film for the first time in over three decades since they last were featured in a ‘Star Wars’ movie together. Nevertheless, no one can deny that ‘The Force Awakens’ does not take the challenge in combining the remembrance of the ‘Star Wars’ installments of yesteryear with the fresh brand of current upstarts willing to engage in another boisterous saga that begins a whole chapter of compelling wonderment. The mix of veterans and novices in ‘The Force Awakens’ is quite interesting but the familiarity of the storytelling heft of good vs. evil is always a solid sell in the realm of the ‘Star Wars’ utopia.

The good news is that ‘The Force Awakens’ not only serves as a bridge that crosses both boundaries past and present in ‘Star Wars’ folklore but it taps into the masterful mystique that Lucas and company worked so diligently to showcase so historically some thirty-eight years ago. Still, some may have lobbied for a stronger storyline in ‘The Force Awakens’ as they may gently dismiss it as being merely thin in its premise while viewing it primarily as a launching pad to develop yet another series of movies to create the ‘Star Wars’ juggernaut for this current-day climax of warped speed wizardry. For those that want a basic outline of ‘The Force Awakens’ pulse it is as such where the beloved yet aging tandem of standouts Han Solo and Chewbacca (yes, good old hulking and walking hairball Chewie is back) is helping out heroic new bloods’ Rey and Finn (played by Daisy Ridley and John Boyega)’ in an effort to groom them for combating the emergence of Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), a villainous representative from the Dark Side of the Force.

Basically, ‘The Force Awakens’ is a grand and stirring homage to the prolific Science Fiction/space fantasy that dared to soar its ambitious wings while taking the old-fashioned concept of the good guys sparring with the bad guys and spinning a whimsical web of dark imperialism while searching for the intrinsic value of brotherhood. One cannot imagine the vitality of ‘Star Wars’ without the inclusion of notable and favorite characterizations that were instrumental in inviting a ravenous response to this filming phenom that has existed in your pop cultural lives for too many years to recount. In addition to joining top dogs in Ford’s Han Solo, Hamill’s Luke Skywalker, Fisher’s General Leia Organa (the former Princess Leia to all you old school ‘Star Wars’ enthusiasts out there) and Peter Mayhew’s Chewbacca, there is the welcomed presence of C3-PO (Anthony Daniels) as well. As for C3-PO’s newest sidekick BB-8, a mechanical rolling ball robot, he is the R2-D2 replacement that should easily win the heart of the kiddies looking for a cute contraption of a companion to treasure on the spot. It should be pointed out that ‘The Force Awakens’ is set 30 years from the last installment and thankfully this update has not lost a magical step since that time.

Anyhow, the First Order’s solar system mechanism needs to be destroyed and must be eradicated by the young talents in spunky and pretty Rey (think the athletic female version of Luke Skywalker) as she teams up with former stormtrooper Finn, a warrior with an uncharacteristic compassion for not killing any designated weak soul as instructed. Naturally, this duo (while under the tutelage of the mature and ragged-looking Han Solo) has their hands full as they clash with the nefarious General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson from ‘Brooklyn’) and his Special Forces protégé Kylo Ren that strikes an immediate comparison to ‘Star Wars’ most notorious bad boy in the deliciously ruthless Darth Vader.

Daisy Ridley's Rey and John Boyega's Finn are having a blast as the touted twosome out to save the day in J.J. Abram's celebrated STAR WARS reboot THE FORCE AWAKENS
Daisy Ridley’s Rey and John Boyega’s Finn are having a blast as the touted twosome out to save the day in J.J. Abram’s celebrated STAR WARS reboot THE FORCE AWAKENS
Thankfully, the majority of the audience may recall similar elements in ‘The Force Awakens’ that was touched upon in ‘Star Wars’ editions such as ‘A New Hope’ and ‘Return Of The Jedi’ where the same structure and theme of the plot points are somewhat revisited. As charming and stimulating as ‘The Force Awakens’ appears in its glorious presentation of being a beautifully shot and visually vibrant popcorn piece, the real find in Abrams’ spectacular space-aged spectacle is Ridley’s heroine Rey, whose emotional and physical commitment to this futuristic fable feels grounded in genuine suspense and praise. Ridley has legitimate game and carries this hot and heavy galactic actioner on her sturdy shoulders with the overwhelming pressure of headlining a cinema giant looking the re-enter the consciousness of rabid ‘Star Wars’ aficionados everywhere. Clearly, we are invested in Ridley’s Rey whose feistiness never undercuts her feminine convictions or courageousness. She runs circles around her male co-stars in fellow ‘Star Wars’ newbies Boyega/Finn and Driver/Kylo Ren and her sense of empowerment is what drives the authentic Force behind Abrams’ inherited ‘Star Wars’ workload.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ gleefully ignites the flashy flames of giddiness that we all associate with George Lucas’ indomitable big screen creation. The signature flourishes from composure John Williams’ commanding musical score to the stunning and innovative technical tweaking to the mixture of the old and new guard in front of the camera all make for an eventful and exciting return to the universal staging for a movie-making moment that will stand the test of time, the immense pop cultural movement at the movies known as ‘Star Wars’.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


2 hrs. 15 mins.

Starring: Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley, Carrie Fisher, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Peter Mayhew, Domhnall Gleeson, Lupita Nyong’o, Andy Serkis, Gwendoline Christie, Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels and Max von Sydow

Directed and Co-Written by: J.J. Abrams

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Genre: Science Fiction/Action and Adventure/Space Fantasy

Critic’s rating: *** stars (out of 4 stars)

(c) Frank Ochieng 2015
A very entertaining film filled with immensely fun nostalgic moments and lots of laughs, but this is movie is not perfect, no it is not.

**Spoiler alert!!**

This movie is an exact copy of the 4th one and this frustrates me more than it should. Although new characters and mysteries were introduced, the plot was too similar to the 4th film, but hey, at least they blew up the republic so no more boring bureaucracy!
One more thing that bothered me a lot is Kylo ren, not the character, the actor. I mean they couldn't pick an uglier wimp? I mean no offense Adam Driver, but bad guys need to look badass, and once you took of your helmet, you lost all hope of becoming a badass.


Definitely a movie worth watching despite minor setbacks.
Slumber Earthquake.

There really is no point trying to do an in depth review of this, it falls in line with a number of series blockbusters that are guaranteed to garner rabid responses, pro and con.

The Force Awakens is a film of many flaws, it has a pungent whiff of safeness about it, the charges of it being a glitzy remake are fair enough, while certain plot strands are frustrating and set to be big talking points for years - and years - to come.

Yet what about its worth to someone who is not obsessed with every finer detail? Someone who just loves the Star Wars universe as a spectacle prism of entertainment, and has just wanted a Star Wars film worthy of being fit to sit alongside that original trilogy?

This made me feel 11 again, took me back to a time in 1977 when I queued for three hours to see such wonders on the big screen. The Force Awakens is, in spite of the recognised flaws, a loving homage to a past love. It's sly with humour and nods to foundations, a blitzkrieg of effects and sound work (my Blu-ray viewing had my sub-woofer doing a jitterbug in the lounge), and it doesn't shy from surprise or the dangling of the carrot.

The makers have big heart and technical invention, the cast vibrant, spunky and strongly committed to the cause - the old hands a very reassuring presence - Yeah, so it's not sci-fi perfection, or any Star Wars geeks' idea of the perfect Star Wars movie (oh J.J. Abrams you devil you!), but it made this middle aged guy shed a tear of happiness. A moment to reaffirm why - as a young lad - I fell in love with film in the first place. 9/10
**The Force Awakens: A New Hope 2.0**

The highly-anticipated follow-up to the Original Trilogy treads through familiar waters, taking the "safe route" approach. Though The Force Awakens has its fair share of phenomenal moments and is definitely an improvement over the Prequel Trilogy, its reliance on using the Original Trilogy (mainly A New Hope) as a template feels nothing more than an imitation of events that occurred prior.

At the end of Return of the Jedi, the Empire suffered a great loss, with the destruction of the Second Death Star and deaths of The Emperor and Darth Vader. It was implied that Luke, the last surviving Jedi, would restart a New Jedi Order (based on Expanded Universe media, which has been declared non-canon by Disney). That is indeed what happens; however, a rogue student of Luke's slaughtered his peers, seduced by the mysterious Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order and adopts a new identity as Kylo Ren. In summary, the Jedi Order did indeed happen (off-screen), but gets wiped out (off-screen, again), leaving Luke the last surviving Jedi and retreats into exile (off-screen... seeing a pattern?). The Empire is basically resurrected as the First Order, with the Rebel Alliance becoming the Resistance, and once again, they're tasked with destroying a gigantic ball of death. Sounds an awful lot like A New Hope, as a modern-day "soft reboot."

Droid carrying top-secret info? Check.
Villain dressed in black with mask? Check.
Protagonist lives on desert planet? Check.
Discover that they're indeed Force-sensitive? Check.
Han Solo and Chewbacca escorting our heroes to destination? Check.
A cantina featuring a cantina band? Check.
Mentor figure (Obi-Wan in ANH, Han Solo in TFA) killed by villain? Check.
Battle of Death Star (Yes, I'm calling Starkiller Base a Death Star)? Check.
Does big ball of death get destroyed? Check.

Rey is indeed a Force-sensitive individual, but throughout the movie, she is just as good a pilot as Han Solo, is able to use a Jedi mind trick with ease, and easily overcomes the villain (Though it could be argued that due to Kylo Ren's injury from Chewbacca, he was weakened). There better be a damn good explanation as to why Rey is so strong with the Force when The Last Jedi is released. Anakin and Luke required training to become a Jedi, Rey is basically a pro with little to absolutely no training.

Finn... Though I did enjoy the idea of a Stormtrooper defecting from the First Order and eventually helping out the heroes, Finn got annoying quick. From cringe-worthy lines to his constant "Gotta get away from the First Order" state of mind, he should have been a more battle-hardened individual who eventually became disillusioned with the First Order. His more cowardly approach to defecting wasn't very well-executed. But I gotta admit that the relationship between him and Poe Dameron was well-done. Didn't feel forced, just felt natural. Him standing up to Kylo Ren in a duel made me respect his character a lot more. His battle with the other Stormtrooper was just amazing. I'm honestly hoping his character develops more in The Last Jedi.

I liked Poe Dameron from the get-go. From being a smart-ass to Kylo Ren to taking out multiple TIE Fighters, Poe is definitely a welcome new character to the Star Wars universe. Especially BB-8, just an absolute ball of cuteness. BB-8 was one of the two new characters that really stood out to me. Funny how Star Wars manages to make you like the droids so much.

Han Solo and Chewbacca play a substantial role in this film. Han Solo's death was beyond tragic, just seeing an iconic character we saw develop from a selfish, Force-denying individual to taking charge in dire times (putting his life on the line). Once Han Solo yelled out his son's name, I knew his time was up. Leia, now a General, doesn't really get much time to shine. She and Han have been broken up for some time now (I'm guessing since Ben Solo became Kylo Ren), but their bantering still remains. C-3PO (now with a red arm) and R2D2 (in low power mode due to Luke's departure) are basically given minimal roles in favor of BB-8. Luke Skywalker made an appearance in the very final moments of the movie, but does not utter a word. Just seeing his expression when Rey hands him his father's lightsaber was more than enough.

A quick summary of other characters: Captain Phasma, a more useless female version of Boba Fett. Maz Kanata, a color and gender-swapped Yoda who somehow manages to obtain Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber. Supreme Leader Snoke, a mysterious figure leading the new Empire (sorry, First Order) and first appears as a hologram (like the Emperor). General Hux, deliverer of a Hitler-like speech to his space Nazis.

Kylo Ren. In my opinion, Kylo Ren is the best part of the entire movie. Sure he worships his deceased grandfather Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and flips out into extreme tantrums, he is more than just an ordinary one-dimensional villain. He worships Darth Vader because he wants to carry on his legacy of killing the Jedi and achieve his intimidating status of being a ruthless individual. He is torn by both sides of the Force. He is indeed strong with the Force, stopping blaster shots in mid-air, freezing people in-place, and can probe the minds of others as a method of torture. His unstable crossguard lightsaber is appropriate for his uncontrollable anger and conflicted state of mind. Once he killed Han Solo, there is no hope for him returning back to the Light. He became a full-on evil person. I'm ready to see the damage he will do in The Last Jedi.

The action/set pieces were very well-done and that opening sequence with the raid on the Jakku village is one of the best and most chilling moments in all of Star Wars. The Battle of Takodana and the resulting battle was phenomenal and seeing Poe take out multiple TIE Fighters make him an exceptionally skilled pilot, even moreso than Luke. The final battle between Rey/Finn and Kylo Ren didn't feel choreographed at all, just felt like a battle between novices, unlike the highly-choreographed kicks and flips and lightsaber-twirling present in the Prequel Trilogy. Rey and Finn leaving Jakku in the "garbage" ship and the whole sequence through the Star Destroyer graveyard was beyond phenomenal.

Though The Force Awakens does indeed take steps forward to move the franchise forward into a new direction, it takes several steps back into familiar territory. And yes, it feels as if I have been ripping on this movie, but in my honest opinion, The Force Awakens is a solid entry to the Star Wars franchise. The action set-pieces were so well-done, the nostalgic factor of the Original Trilogy is prevalent, Kylo Ren proved to be a well-developed villain with room for improvement, and the relationships between the characters feels so organic and fluid-like, as if they're all cohesive with one-another.

My Rating: 7.5/10.0

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Rabu, 27 Februari 2019

12 Years a Slave 2013 kostenlos filme anschauen -720p-M2V

12 Years a Slave 2013 Mit Untertitel Stream

12 Years a Slave"

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12 Years a Slave 2013


193 Notiz




SDDS 720p


Drama, History




Sarenna, Quinten P. Delteil, Willy W. Mercier

12 Years a Slave 2013 12 Years a Slave ganzer film deutsch, 12 Years a Slave online stream - Ganzer film, 12 Years a Slave ganzer film online stream - Deutsch

Sometimes, I just have to stop my brain in the middle of a film and just admire its exceptional craftsmanship. I found myself doing that time and time again during this film. Perhaps I was more open to admiring the shot compositions and acting choices because, as I cynically told myself before the film, it's not like I needed much convincing that slavery was bad. Or perhaps it was because I was shielding myself from the honest brutalities the film convincingly portrayed. Nonetheless, I was reminded of the film "Children of Men," because when I watched that, I was struck by how easily I could imagine a less engaging, more dumbed-down version of the same film. I haven't seen enough films about slavery to know this for certain, but I suspect that because many of this film's principals are British, telling a story about a free man who was forced into slavery, as opposed to one born into it, they were able to be gain some valuable distance from the subject and craft something that's both beautiful and feels true to life. And even though I thought I could not have been made to feel worse than I already did about slavery, the post-scripts on the lack of justice Solomon received for his kidnapping and the unknown causes of his death, helped keep the film from lapsing into a kind of "triumph of the spirit" happy ending others might have imposed.
This movie is very, very well done. Well, edited and with the proper long shots at the proper moments bringing you to the life of Solomon without remedy.

All the cast performs exceptionally well and Ejiofor is to be remembered for this film.

A must to be seen.
Not in a long time have I seen a movie that brings out real emotions from my cold hearted soul. This movie brought them out in floods of tears.

the acting was superb, especially from the lead Chiwetel Ejiofor, he acted from his little toe right up to his eyes.

The style was also filmed beautifully with some (extremely) painful long shots which pulled you into Solomons nightmare.

Im not sure if its a film I could watch again, purely for the emotion but I would recommend this film to everyone.
**Dreaded at the thought that human kind ACTUALLY had this kind of livelihood at some point of time..**

Could not gather my thoughts to write this review at the end of the movie.Feeling really bogged down by some heaviness on my chest. Thinking about the times in history when we actually used to do these atrocities on other human beings makes me cringe.To imagine waking up one day and find me in chains just because I'm a colored man and living my life like an unwanted child of god makes me question humanity altogether. Just sitting through a little over than 2 hours and watching this movie made my heart bleed, I can't even begin to think of the people who lived their entire lives as SLAVES... 12 years a slave heart breakingly makes you feel the pain and suffering of almost the entire human kind at one point of time or other. Direction by Steve McQueen is brilliant.Chiwetel Ejiofor plays a helpless slave in Solomon Northup to the hilt and also the small but impactive role played by Brad Pitt as a man with conscience is superb.Lupita Nyong'o's Patsey too was depicted heart warmingly. You can't help but question yourself that how could MAN stoop such low and do these cruel acts and that too over such a prolonged period of time without even a single ounce of doubt in his mind for what he would have to pay for his actions.. All in all a GEM of a movie showing one of the lowest point in human history !

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Moonlight 2016


113 winzig




M1V 1440p






Camacho, Corrine W. Teodoro, Steele P. Dexter

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Inglourious Basterds 2009 Online Anschauen Kostenlos

Inglourious Basterds"

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Inglourious Basterds 2009


132 Konzept




AAF 1440p


Drama, Action, Thriller, War


Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano


Dufour, Naira B. Blair, Mathews I. Violeta

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American Hustle 2013 kostenlos filme anschauen -1080p-DTS

American Hustle 2013 Mit Untertitel Stream

American Hustle"

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American Hustle 2013


151 Niederschrift




Sonics-DDP 1080p


Drama, Crime




Pauley, Seirian S. Ernest, Keedie S. Jayden

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American Hustle is has a heavy dose of Scorsese circa 1970s with the violence replaced more by black humour.

Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner and Bradley Cooper all deliver excellent performances. Robert De Niro makes a cameo and reminds the audience why he was at one time the best screen actor in the world.

This is a black comedy-drama set in the late 1970's based on the true life Abscam scandal. FBI agents and con artists joined up to frame politicians for taking bribes.

Bale plays a pot bellied hustler with bad hair. Amy Adams is his partner in crime who passes off as an English Aristocrat. Both have struck it rich in a scam where they dupe arrangement fees for loans that never come to fruition.

Cooper is the ambitious FBI agent with a big ego who has the the mafia in his sights and wants to reel in a big catch but he might be out of his depth.

Jeremy Renner is the charismatic Mayor of New Jersey. A man with a big heart who wants to get things done and Bale feels guilty about getting him involved in the sting operation.

Director David O Russell gets great performances from his cast but the film feels flabby which blunts the story and the humour feels stretched at times.

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Selasa, 26 Februari 2019

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Edge of Tomorrow 2014


113 Minute




AVCHD 720p


Action, Science Fiction




Derek, Pagan U. Soumya, Viète B. Geri

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Interesting enough and with a decent script for this kind of Sci-Fi movies. The FX are also OK.

Tom Cruise does an OK job and Emily Blunt nails her character, being the brightest thing in screen every time she appears.
Not a bad movie, got kind of sick of the "ground hog day" effect. Could have used less of that, all in all pretty enjoyable to watch.
I have to say that this movie was surprisingly enjoyable. I did have my doubts about it. I always have doubts about movies that manipulate time. I guess one advantage the movie has is that it does not really involve time travel and changing the past to influence the future but “only” resetting a day and living it over and over again.

The entire concept is of course still totally ludicrous. Even if we forget about the feasibility about resetting time altogether there are just so many things that are wrong with the concept. For example, is time reset all over the universe or just on Earth? Both of those avenues create their own issues further down the line of course. Even if we try to forget these larger issues there are the issue that as soon as Cage altered his own behavior from one repetition of that day to another he would alter the chain of events and what he knew was the events in the previous repeat would no longer be certain in the one he was living right then. Not to mention that he had a longer and longer chain of people to convince on a single day and still get the job done.

Okay, enough harping about that. If you manage to lock out all these annoying issues with the story what remains is, as I wrote before, actually a fairly enjoyable movie. It is primarily a science fiction action movie of course and the action as well as special effects are not bad at all. We get treated to plenty of the classical déjà vu scenes were Cage tries to convince people by predicting their immediate future in minute details. Classical and very not innovative but well done and I have to admit that I am a bit of a sucker for these impress-and-surprise someone scenes. On the whole the movie managed to use the basic concept of reliving the day and make it feel reasonable fresh despite it not being a entirely new idea. The fact that the acting was quite adequate and that both Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt made a good performance as far as I am concerned of course helped.

Naturally the movie builds up towards the climactic battle against the alien central organism and of course everyone (who Cage managed to convince) have to throw in their lives to get Cage in position for the final attack. Personally I liked the ending although I have to say that I was a bit miffed that the writer did not manage to come up with some more imaginative ending scene between Cage and Rita though.

Bottom line, an enjoyable movie well worth watching.
What makes Edge of Tomorrow's 'failure' a bit surprising is how many of us have always wondered - what would happen if you put Groundhog Day in the context of an invasion of Earth by aliens keen on destroying the human race? Okay...so bad example.

This is about action, killing aliens, and getting in as many 'gallows humor' one-liners as possible. And I realize it tanked in the theaters (relatively speaking) but (I can't believe I'm going to say this)...

But it's a fun movie. It's entertaining, the directing is sharp and quick. In Groundhog Day, about the 4th time you "I Got You Babe" you are screaming at the film - "WE GET IT!!! MOVE THE STORY ALONG!!" That never happens in Edge of Tomorrow. Each cycle through, the story advances and another layer is revealed. The director seems to get that the audience is smart and they can keep up.

Tom Cruise is well, he's Tom Cruise. But Emily Blunt is fantastic in the film.

The ending was a bit of a head-scratcher. Won't spoil it here but the rest of the movie works and thought it was very entertaining. It's a fun action movie - and there's nothing wrong with that.
Resetting the day.

Edge of Tomorrow is directed by Doug Liman and collectively written by Christopher McQuarrie, Jez Butterworth and John-Henry Butterworth. It stars Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt, with music by Christophe Beck and cinematography by Dion Beebe.

It has proved to be a great decade for sci-f, it seems that for every misfire there are three great genre films to off set the disappointments. Sitting at the top end of the table is Edge of Tomorrow (AKA: Live Die Repeat). Adapted from Hiroshi Sakurazaka's novel "All You Need Is Kill", the story has Cruise as William Cage, an American army Major who upon being thrust into combat against an alien race decimating Earth, finds he awakens to the same day after being killed in action. Seeking out Rita (Blunt), the most decorated soldier of the time, Cage must understand what is happening to him and hopefully save the future of mankind.

So far so Groundhog Day/Source Code then, but Liman's film never lets up from the get go, frenetic with its action, funny into the bargain, and also sexy, it manages to blend audience pleasing conventions with clever thought and process. There's nothing new in the philosophy on show, and there are regular sci-fi tropes for familiarity of genre, but if you are going to recycle formula then do it with verve and swagger, which this most assuredly does. Boosted by Cruise turning in a good one as an unlikable character who develops into a protag to shout for, and Blunt as a super sexy bad-ass poster girl for the war effort, Edge of Tomorrow ultimately rocks. The science will obviously infuriate those who take such things way too seriously, but as the terror of this particular war unfolds on screen (nifty effects), and we have been bought wholesale into our heroes and their quest, its small failings are hardly worth cocking a snook at. 8/10

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Hidden Figures 2016


154 peinlich genau




MPEG 1440p


Drama, History




Tyler, Caresse S. Cristi, Michèle L. Bigot

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The Great Gatsby 2013


157 Sitzungsprotokoll




Sonics-DDP 720p


Drama, Romance




Cheuk, Doyon W. Shamari, Loane T. Allene

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Baz Luhrmann repeats what he did with Rome + Juliet and creates a horrible moster full of FX and exaggeration.

Still, the cast performs well.
An over the top portrayal of the classic novel, while at times excessive and tasteless, it truly hits home with the novels original critique on the excess of the time. The cast was **excellent**, the movie stayed true to the novel in all the most important ways. I personally feel the modern soundtrack wasn't appropriate in several cases, but a couple flawless executions.

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John Wick 2014


137 Memorandum




MPEG-1 1440p


Action, Thriller


Magyar, English, Pусский


Char, Patti C. Ajwah, Clarice T. Kaliah

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This is very much my kind of movie. Straightforward, lots of good action, our hero never waivers from his path and no social or emotional nonsense. Those who have watched the movie might wonder why I claim that there is not emotional nonsense since the entire plot is driven by John Wick’s very emotional response to his wife’s death and the subsequent killing of the dog that he received as a last present from her. What I mean with “no emotional nonsense” is that John Wick is never second guessing himself, the movie never really tries to portray him as an “ordinary” guy having second thoughts about killing the bad guys and he doesn’t go into some silly “oh should I really pull the trigger” trance and drops the gun in the worst possible moments as is done in a lot of movies. Sure, there are emotions in this movie. Rage and thirst for revenge in particular with the addition of a healthy dose of fear from the bad guys…eventually that is.

The plot of the movie is, as I wrote, quite straightforward and classical. Retired hit man gets wronged by idiot son of big bad guy. Hit man gets pissed off and goes on a quest for revenge. People die (a lot of them). Hit man and big bad guy have a show down at the end. In terms of story that is about it. However, such a story can be told and presented in a good and entertaining way and in a less good and entertaining way. As far as I am concerned the way the story is told in this movie is very, very entertaining.

Keanu Reeves is quite good as the hit man. So are the big bad guy and most of the other actors of any importance. During the course of the movie we get more than a few glimpses into John Wick’s former life and it is a quite cool background that have been elaborated. The secret world that John Wick was once part of and how it works and operates would be worthy a good old-fashioned James Bond movie.

Then of course there is the action. It is an action movie so you do expect quite some expenditure on the action and this movie do not disappoint. There are lots of action and it is good action. Sure, the ease by which John Wick picks off his opponents waiving his gun(s) in all direction without hardly looking is sometimes a bit over the top but it is still done with a fluidness and grace that just makes it … so cool. The gun fights are generally mixed up with some equally good martial arts close combat stuff and it is really well woven together.

One thing that I really like with this movie is that John Wick is the cool, cold, determined, not to be pissed off, killing machine from start to finish. There are really no slow parts or “obligatory” scenes of doubt and self-recrimination. It is “the bad guys will pay” all the way. This of course gives the opportunity to include some other elements that I quite like in a story like this. For instance the parts where the spoiled total idiot son of the big bad guy slowly gets his arrogance replaced by some good, honest to God, fear. Fear of death and fear of the guy he so carelessly pissed off.

Needless to say, I enjoyed this movie a lot when I sat down to watch it with my oldest son yesterday.
I don't get why this movie has such good reviews. It simple and quite uninteresting. Lots of actions and well known faces (many from TV series), but nothing else. The same old brainless plot to justify tons of bullets.

Keanu Reeves is the John Wick of the title, a grieving one man army who gets tipped over the edge when gangsters kill his dog. Carnage ensues.

The paying public do like a good revenge flick, there have been plenty this last couple of decades, and they do go down well. Once the set-up has been staged - Wick grieves at the loss of his loved one - gets some small joy via a pet - only to have that snatched away from him, then the film becomes a joyously unstoppable actioner.

Wick, in good hands with a moody and beefy Reeves (face fuzz strange, though) strong in presence, cuts a swathe through the gangland eastern blockers. And that's pretty much it! Characterisations are thin on the ground, it's a bit nutty and of course preposterous, but boy is it fun. There you go, a box office winning actioner without pretensions. Enjoy. 7/10

John Wick is an excellent revenge action movie that raises the bar with its excellent lighting, cinematography, and martial arts displays from Keanu.

Mr Wick spends the rest of the film getting even with a mob boss for the actions of his son who killed his dog and stole his car. As far as the plot goes, its pretty simple but there is a lot of depth to the world.

Reeves displays a decent amount of acting range here, but his real talent is bringing bad guys down one headshot at a time. Its glorious to see him smack a guy over the head, hold him down while reloading, and then take him out.

The best thing about this film is the lack of shaky cam-- you can see all the action happening clearly. This is made possible by the dedication of the actors in their martial arts training.

Support films like this, they are a rare breed these days!
**Pure unadulterated action**

John Wick - it's that kind of a character whose name is enough to inflict terror in the minds of people. And whoever isn't terrified doesn't mean that they're better, it just means that they don't know JOHN WICK.

It definitely isn't the first character of it's kind, but very few characters of this kind convince you that they are what they are supposed to be. Let's just say that John Wick kicks a** and he is pretty awesome at that.

I can't think of anyone else to be John Wick other than Keanu Reeves, the guy's living the character on screen. The hand to hand combat, usage of knives and guns, the action, it all seems poetic at times. The thing I loved the most is that there wasn't too much noise, no Boom Boom, just the Bang Bang, exactly what you'd expect from a hit-man.

The cinematography, dialogues, background score, direction, action, everything was just what a movie like this needs. It ticked all the right boxes for me and I think every action movie fan would lap this one up.

It is a great action revenge movie that never runs out of steam throughout it's course. So, everyone who loves to see bullets flying all over the screen, or to quote it better, say hitting just the right spots, go treat yourself to this movie. You'd be glad.

An 8 out of 10

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167 Augenblick




MPEG-1 1440p


Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Romance




Mellisa, Teslim I. Linsey, Aysia V. Osborn

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Senin, 25 Februari 2019

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The Social Network 2010


146 minuziös




FLV 1080p






Vail, Church H. Elisha, Edwards M. Anouck

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Prisoners 2013


179 kleinst




Sonics-DDP 1440p


Drama, Thriller, Crime




Cherita, Kamya Y. Pierce, Lysette G. Wolf

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Really intense and well done thriller. One of the few in the last years with great performances by Jackman, Gyllenhaal and Dano.

It also has some content to chew. I really enjoyed watching it.
Certainly Villenueve's most accessible film, but still a very good one.

Final rating:★★★½ - I strongly recommend you make the time.
What a powerful film and what a great acting. I just couldn't help rewinding various scenes throughout, especially when Jackman's character showed anger and frustration for either his child being abducted or having what he thought was the culprit being tortured, although getting nowhere. Definitely a must for Mystery/Drama.

another masterpiece by Hugh Jackman, surprising plot-twist!!

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